15th Anniversary International Exhibition on the Plastics and Polymers Industry – Plastex Uzbekistan 2025

23 - 25 September 2025, Uzexpocentre NEC / Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Recycling of plastic packaging will become the responsibility of its manufacturers

Or pay a recycling fee

Importers and manufacturers of plastic packaging will be required to organize its recycling or pay a recycling fee, according to the draft national program of Uzbekistan for 2025.

The corresponding law is planned to be developed by November 1, 2025. The Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan added that the new rules will come into force in 2026.

In addition, equipment for receiving plastic waste is planned to be installed in supermarkets, shopping centers and markets.

Environmental responsibility will be introduced gradually among packaging manufacturers. Thus, companies producing soft drinks will be required to recycle 50% of plastic straws in 2025, 75% in 2027 and 100% by 2028.

When developing the bill, the department plans to rely on the experience of the European Union and the CIS countries. According to the agency's calculations, the measures will allow at least 1.2 million tons of plastic waste to be recycled per year. This will reduce the rate of filling of landfills and greenhouse gas emissions.

Earlier, Kursiv Uzbekistan wrote that a national program for green financing will appear in Uzbekistan.